T R A N S   M O N G O L I A   E X P R E S S – Russia, Mongolia, China

A train journey of 7500 km through Russia, Mongolia and China. From Moscow to Beijng.
The Trans Mongolia Express was a journey without expectations but exceeding my imaginations. I had expected that travelling by train would be the highlight and the day trips to be just a nice addition. But it turned out to be just the opposite. Travelling from A to B was only the means to great experiences we’ve encountered when we went off the train. In summary, the Trans Mongolia Express was a once in a lifetime experience combining traveling and photography, cities and landscapes, people, cultures and architecture. It could also be characterized by opposites. Sunshine and rain, heat and cold, luxurious and primitive. And the cultures of Russia, Mongolia and China compared to our Western culture.

May 2010   (28 x 28 cm, 68 pages, hardcover, binded lay-flat)



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