

As an aerospace engineer, I’m involved in a program in which my company works together with a Chinese aircraft manufacturer. Their engineering office is located just outside of the metropolis of Shanghai, a city with a population of nearly 25 million people (one and a half times the population of the Netherlands). Lots of people and lots of heavy industry has resulted into a landscape dominated by concrete structures, power lines and most of all: smog!.

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Schoorlse Duinen

Went out for a long weekend to the northwest coast of the Netherlands, an area called the “Schoorlse Duinen”.

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I recently spent a midweek holiday on one of the most popular Frisian Island, Terschelling. The island is large enough not to get bored and small enough to give you that typical “island feeling”.

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Going Compact

I never thought that I would abandon shooting with a pro sized digital SLR in favor of shooting with a compact camera. But it has happened. The main reason for me to stay away from compact cameras was the image quality. When I go out, e.g. on holidays, and make photographs, I want to do it right or not do it at all. So I would either carry my heavily loaded backpack or leave my camera at home. Often a difficult choice to make.

Until recently, when I read an article about the Sony RX1 compact camera. This little monster contains a 24 megapixel full frame sensor, combined with a very sharp 35 mm f/2.0 Carl Zeiss lens. Could this be a compact camera that would give me the high image quality that I am used to from my heavy equipment?

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New Website

Hello everyone. As from today, my new website is online! My previous website was nearly fully hand written in HTML. Getting tired of manually updating my website I decided to follow a more up to date path through the use of WordPress. Together with a dedicated theme for photographers I’ve been able to create a website that is easy to maintain. Thank you for visiting and hope to see you back soon.

Best regards,
